Each one of us has received God's call to live a full life, filled with love through our sacrament. He also calls us to light the world through our passionate embrace of this lifestyle. The lack of passion in our lives leads us to be lukewarm, causing us to forget our purpose and dreams. Instead, living life with passion is renewing our decision to love on a daily basis, it is keeping the impossible dream alive, it is keeping that fire burning inside of us so that we may illuminate the world! Loving passionately leads us to experience a full life ... the existence that God wants for us!
We want to invite you to the North American Convention 2014 in Houston, TX so that we may rekindle that passion in our lives together as well as celebrate the passionate love God has for each of us that continues to illuminate every corner of the United States and Canada through the gift of the WWME Weekend.
Living without passion is just to exist, survive. Living with passion is to live with all your heart!